To offer the opportunity to further post-high school education in a college, university,
business or trade school for a qualified member, family or friend of Trinity United Methodist
Church in Los Osos.
Who May Apply:
An applicant shall be an active participant in Trinity United Methodist Church at the time
of application or, if away at school, be active in another church or campus ministry. By active we mean participation in worship services, and/or youth groups or other church activities.
Applicant must, by their family or community relationships, scholastic abilities, or church
participation, have displayed qualities of leadership and good citizenship, and must indicate, by their acceptance in the school of their choice, sufficient ability to do satisfactory work.
How to Apply:
Obtain application form and instructions from the church office,
Or click here to download a copy of the application
Arrange for last school attended to send a transcript of your grades to the church office.
Provide two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the church office; one from a
school faculty member or employer, and one from your Youth Director, Pastor, or campus
Submit to the committee, via the church office, the completed application form, with
attached biographical sketch as specified in the application.
Appear for an interview with the scholarship committee, if requested.
Application shall be received or postmarked no later than April 30, 2024
The application should be sent or delivered to:
Scholarship Committee
Trinity United Methodist Church
490 Los Osos Valley Road
Los Osos, CA 93402
or via email to: church@trinitylososos.org