As we have in past years, we will celebrate the Season of Creation throughout this September. Below you will find the themes for the five Sundays of September.

Setting aside time to celebrate the Season of Creation began in Australia. To read the story of how it got started - Click Here.

  • Sunday September 1

    Ocean Sunday

    Gilbert Stones Preaching

  • Sunday September 8

    Fauna and Flora Sunday

    Rich Bolin Preaching

  • September 15

    Storm Sunday

    Mike Eggleston Preaching

  • September 22 4th Sunday in Creation

    Cosmos Sunday

    Preacher to be announced

  • September 29 - Blessings of the Animals

    Gilbert Stones Preaching

    Bring your pets or send photos to the office. We will bless the pets directly or by photo. (We've had dogs, cats, rats and even a giant Madagascar Hissing Cockroach).