Order of Worship December 20, 2020                                      Fourth Sunday of Advent


Prelude                                                         “Ave Maria”                                                Franz Schubert
                                                   Tom Tatton, viola, Barbara Hoff, piano

Call to Worship                                                                                 Eileen Murta and Mike Eggleston
    Let us magnify the Lord;
        Let us rejoice in God our Savior.
    Great and mighty is the Lord.
        And holy is the Name of God.

Opening Prayer   
    Ever faithful God, through prophets and angels, you promised to raise up a holy child who would establish a household of peace and justice. Open our hearts to receive your Son, that we may open our doors to welcome all people as sisters and brothers, and establish your household in our time. Amen.

Hymn                                                   “To God Be the Glory”                                                            #98

Lighting the Advent Candles                                                            Bill and Emily Rodenhi and Clay

Response                                     “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”                                          #211 v. 4

Prayer Before the Word                                                                                                             Joe Asire

First Lesson                                         2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16

For the Psalm                                                                                                                     Luke 1:46b-55

Children’s Time                                                                                                              Kasey P. Lindsay

                                                  Click here to download the coloring page.

Gospel:                                                       Luke 1:26-38

Message                                             "Mary Did You Know?”                            Pastor Gilbert Stones

Hymn                                                   “Come Let Us Dream”                                                        #3157

Pastoral Prayer

Prayer Interlude
The Lord’s Prayer                                                                 Debbie Livingston with Josie and Oliver
    Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,
    your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
    Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who
    sin against us.
    Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
    For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever.

Offering       [Click here to go to online giving]

Offertory                                              “What Child Is This”                                         arr. Mark Hayes

Prayer of Dedication

Hymn                                            “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear”                                             #218

                                          Join us on Zoom at 11:00 a.m. for fellowship.

Song of Blessing:                                   “Shalom to You”                                                   Jora Landis

                Passing the Peace of Christ with phone calls, texts, emails, cards and prayers

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Thanks to everyone who made today’s service possible
Tom Tatton - Viola
Barbara Hoff - Organ and Piano
Jora Landis; Cheryl Dove - Vocals
Joe Asire - Reader
Eileen Murta and Mike Eggleston - Liturgy
Kasey P. Lindsay - Video Editing
Rich Bolin - Music Coordinator
Kasey P. Lindsay; Rich Bolin; Mary Anne Meyer - Video Recording

                                                        Poinsettia Dedications

Carol Awbrey: In honor of "Loved Ones" and in "memory of our parents"

Tom and Polly Tatton: Dedicated to "Our Families"

Bruce and Colleen Powers: "In memory of our parents"

Janet Neilson: "In memory of Sharon Louise Tolliver and in memory of Donald Womack"

Patti James: "In memory of Betty and Norris Powell and in memory of my brother Mike Powell"

Cheryl Dove: "In memory of Elberta Dove my mother in law who was a nurse, caring for many and a dedication to all the caregivers in homes and facilities in our community"

Pip Bresler: "Dedication to everyone" from the Bresler Family


Children's Time

Today we finally light the fourth candle of the Advent wreath, and then all of the small candles will be lit!

We've had four Sundays of waiting and now there are just a few days left until Christmas. 

If you haven't already drawn and colored your own wreath, 

there is a link to a printable copy in the bulletin above. 

I'd love for you to join me in counting down the days in this magical and meaningful way!