Easter 6 - May 17, 2020

And now for something completely different...

Today's service was prepared by our Annual Conference Staff. Read the bishop's statement below or click here to go directly to the service.

Thank you to everyone who has been generously supporting the church during this difficult time. Your faithfulness has made it possible for us to continue to pay our church staff and meet our other financial obligations. Please click here to go to our online giving page or make your gifts by check in the mail or bank transfers. Again, thank you!

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Statement by Bishop Grant Hagiya.

The Appointive Cabinet and I realize how much dedication our clergy, worship teams and staffs have been putting into our online Sunday worship services.  In order to honor them and give them a much needed Sabbath, we will be recording and producing a full worship service as a video, of which each church can use all or part, as our local church leaders take a much needed Sunday Sabbath for themselves.  The service will be available via the button below and will use the Lectionary passages for Sunday, May 17, 2020.  Of course, a local church may use this worship service at another time if the 17th is not convenient. 

We would like to ask all local church clergy, worship teams, and church staffs to set aside one to three days of Sabbath in order to renew, recharge, and rejuvenate for the long haul that is ahead of us.  Whereas the worship service use is optional, taking time for a Sabbath is not.  So, we really want every local church to work on a date on which this happens.  We need you for the long haul of this pandemic and we need you at your very best.  So, please catch your breath, recharge your energy and renew your faith!

Be the Hope!

Bishop Grant J. Hagiya
Los Angeles Area Resident Bishop