A Simplified Order of Worship October 18, 2020

Prelude                                   “Chanson (A Sacred Song)”                                 Kenneth Lowenberg
                                                           The Trinity Ringers

Call to Worship                                                            Debbie Livingston and Josie and Oliver Main
     The Lord sets the prisoners free;
    the Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
     The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down.
    The Lord loves the righteous.
     The Lord watches over the sojourners,
    God upholds the widow and the orphan.
     The Lord will reign for ever!
    Praise the Lord!

Opening Prayer                                                                                                     Pastor Gilbert Stones
     Loving God, through Christ born a poor baby to parents in a strange land,
     you showed us your care for those
who are poor, excluded, and in harm’s way.
     Send us this day to your beloved children
who suffer need, hate, and harm,
that we might be agents of your justice, love, and peace,
     through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever. Amen.

Hymn                                “Wounded World that Cries for Healing”                                          #2177

Prayer Before the Word                                                                                                Elizabeth Clover

First Lesson                                               Psalm 99

Gospel Lesson:                                  Matthew 22:15-22

Children’s Time                                                                                                             Pastor Rich Bolin

Message:                         “What Shall We Render unto Caesar?”                          Pastor Rich Bolin

Hymn                                           “This Thread I Weave”                   words by Shirley Erena Murray
                    Music by Jim Strathdee, sung by Jim and Jean Strathdee and friends

Prayers of the People                                                                                          Pastor Gilbert Stones
The Lord's Prayer                                                                                    Musical setting by Rich Bolin

                                                              Sung by Jora Landis

Offering    [Click here for Online Giving]

Offertory                                                                                                   “Song of Joy” by Mark Hayes
                                                               Barbara Hoff, piano       

Prayer of Dedication   

Hymn                                                      “This Is My Song”                                                              #437
    Donna and Joe Asire, duet

                                    Join us on Zoom at 11:00 a.m. for fellowship.

Song of Blessing:                                “Shalom to You”                                                      Jora Landis

Passing the Peace of Christ with phone calls, texts, emails, cards and prayers


Children's Time

This week's Children's Time is taught by Pastor Rich Bolin, who tells a story that demonstrates how we should always be mindful of our place in the world and our responsibility to be stewards of everything in it.