Order of Worship Fifth Sunday after Easter May 2, 2021


Prelude    “Praise His Greatness”    arr. Mark Hayes

Call to Worship   
    Christ the Lord is risen!
        The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!
    Let us praise the Lord in the great congregation,
        And proclaim God’s deliverance to the ages.

Opening Prayer
O God, you have created all life in marvelous diversity. Each tree and each flower has its own shape and each creature has its own path. You have created people in all sizes, shapes and colors but each is in your image. Teach us the way of peace that we may truly abide in you and show forth your image; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns, one God now and forever more.

Hymn     “Fairest Lord Jesus”    #189

Prayer Before the Word   

First Lesson    Acts 8:26-40

Psalm    Psalm 22:25-31

Children’s Time   

Gospel    John 15:1-8

Message    “Beyond Walls”    Pastor Gilbert Stones

Hymn     “In Remembrance of Me”    #2254

Pastoral Prayer

Prayer Interlude

Offering    [Click here to go to online giving]

Offertory     “Meditation on ‘Mt. Pisgah”     Gilbert Martin

Prayer of Dedication

Hymn    “In Remembrance of Me”    #2254

The Sacrament of Holy Communion and The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer     Debbie Livingston and Josie and Oliver Main
    Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,
    your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
    Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who
    sin against us.
    Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
    For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever.

Receiving the Elements

Hymn    “Help Us Accept Each Other”    #560

    Join us on Zoom at 11:00 a.m. for fellowship.
Song of Blessing:     “Shalom to You”   

Passing the Peace of Christ with phone calls, texts, emails, cards and prayers

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Thanks to everyone who made today’s service possible

Barbara Hoff - Organ and Piano
Jora Landis, Cheryl Dove - Vocals
Bob Mott - Reader
Mike and Kathy Lindsay; Debbie Livingston and Josie and Oliver Main - Liturgy
Rich Bolin - Music Coordinator
Rich Bolin, Mary Anne Meyer, Gilbert Stones, Kasey P. Lindsay - Primary Videography
Kasey P. Lindsay - Video Editing


Children's Time

What would the world look like if there were only two colors to it? Fortunately there are many, many more! Pastor G shows us how important that variety of colors and the diversity in our world

are important and beautiful.